Learn from the teacher who spent…
50 Years On A Spiritual Journey Through Unimaginable Hardships, Losses, And Realizations, Discovering God, What Is True, And What Is Complete Falsehood…
If you’re on a spiritual & nondual path, this is for you. Click “play” to watch the video below.
This is our secret teacher, Michael/Sanhia.
Sanhia has helped us navigate through the most challenging situations and emotions in our lives.
His new session group begins this Thursday at 6 PM London time. The first meeting (90 minutes) is for a free donation/contribution from the heart. You can contribute any amount (starting from 3 EUR)!
This is a unique opportunity to meet him, ask your question, and listen to the answers given to others. It’s a privilege to have such direct access to his wisdom.
If you want an otherworldly experience and understand English, don’t miss this.
Michael (a channel for Sanhia) is 74 years old and has been on the awakening/spiritual path for 50 years, with vast experience…
P.S. The Ascension course with Michael/Sanhia costs 260 EUR.
This Thursday (15th August, 6 PM London time), we invite everyone who wishes to experience this and listen for a free donation. 🎁
Check out the questions from the interview video. I highly recommend watching it to the end.
- Who are you exactly? Who is Sanhia? A Spirit? A Human who walked on Earth and got enlightened? Or who?
- How did you and Michael start working together? Why Michael?
- The content of your messages is extraordinary, but why are you not so popular or publicly known in the world yet? Is there any purpose or reason behind it?
- How can we discern true spiritual teachings from false ones?
- What is the true purpose of human life?
- Why are only a small percentage of people in the world rich and in abundance, while others seem to lack?
- How can a person (or humanity overall) achieve lasting peace and harmony?
- How do you know without a doubt that you are worthy and enough?
- What is the nature of suffering, and how can we best cope with it?
- What happens to us after we die?
- How should we understand and interpret the concept of sin in today’s world?
- How can we genuinely practice love and compassion in our daily lives?
- What is the role of religion in achieving spiritual enlightenment?
- What is the significance of forgiveness, and how can we truly forgive others and ourselves?
- Is there anything else you want to say for our new friends who are just starting to read your messages?
- Can you discuss the Live Zoom Sessions and what happens during the sessions? What are the benefits for participants?
- How do you clearly hear the Spirit and stop following the voice of the Ego?
If you’d like to ask anything 💜 letters@spiriteveryday.com
Such a meeting may never occur again. The time to take action is now.
6:00 PM London time this Thursday!
Via Zoom. We will send the link after registration.
Your Friends From The Mountains, 🌸
Rytis & Violeta